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Troubleshooting Email Problems

Essential Inventory Alerts sends you an email listing any products that are low on inventory. If you're not receiving the email, check the following things.

Did You Actually Have New Alerts?

You may not receive an email if you don't have any new alerts about products that are low on inventory (there's an option for this).

  1. Open the app by going to your Shopify admin, clicking Apps, then clicking Essential Inventory Alerts.
  2. Click Alerts at the top of the app.
  3. Check the Alerts page to see if you actually had any alerts during the last check that are marked 'New'.

If you did, and didn't receive an email, that means the email isn't being delivered or is getting marked as spam. Check the sections below for possible solutions.

If you didn't have any new alerts, you will not receive an email if you have selected the option to Only send alert email if there are new alerts. You can toggle this option on and off from the Configure screen in the app.

  1. Open the app by going to your Shopify admin, clicking Apps, then clicking Essential Inventory Alerts.
  2. Click Configure at the top of the app.
  3. On the Configure Alerts page, scroll down to Send Email Only on New Alerts.
  4. When set to Always send alert email if there are any low stock items, you will get an email if there are any low items, regardless of whether there are new alerts.
  5. When set to Only send alert email if there are new alerts, you will only get an email if your alerts change.

Did the Email Go to Spam?

Check your spam or junk email folder. Every email service and program is different, and we can't control if they decide to automatically flag our emails as spam.

If you find our email alerts in your spam folder, look for an option to mark the email as 'not spam' (varies by email service and program). You can also add the email address to your contact list or address book. This may help your email software recognize that these emails aren't spam.

Is Your Email Address Correct?

Check to be sure the email address configured in the app is correct.

  1. Open the app by going to your Shopify admin, clicking Apps, then clicking Essential Inventory Alerts.
  2. Click Configure at the top of the app.
  3. On the Configure Alerts page, scroll down to Recipients.
  4. Check to be sure the email address is exactly correct.

Testing Emails

If you've got some current alerts in the app, you resend the email at any time from the Alerts page. This is helpful when troubleshooting email problems since it lets you send yourself an alert email so you can see if it comes through.

  1. Open the app by going to your Shopify admin, clicking Apps, then clicking Essential Inventory Alerts.
  2. Click Alerts at the top of the app.
  3. Click the Email Alerts button.

Still Not Receiving Alert Emails?

If you've checked everything above and still are not receiving alerts, contact us.