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Configuring the Schedule

The Schedule options determine when your inventory is checked and alerts are sent. The app will check your inventory and email you at a specific time on the specified days.

By default, you'll receive alerts every day. The exact time of the alerts will vary based on your timezone. You can change the time and days to fit your needs.

  1. Open the app by going to your Shopify admin, clicking Apps, then clicking Essential Inventory Alerts.
  2. Click Configure at the top of the app.
  3. Scroll down to Schedule and adjust the setting as desired.
  4. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page

Time of Day

The Time of Day option controls what time your inventory is checked and alerts are sent. This time is based on your local timezone, as configured in your web browser. Just select what time you want to receive your alerts.


The Days options control which days of the week you'll receive alerts. By default, inventory is checked every day. To toggle a day on or off, just click the day's button. Days that are 'lit up' are the days inventory will be checked.

You can also use the preset links below the buttons to easily select every day, weekdays, or weekends.