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Using the Dashboard

The Dashboard is the homepage of the app. It provides a quick overview of your current inventory alerts and your alert settings.

You can access the Dashboard at any time by clicking Dashboard in the navigation bar at the top of app.

Current Alerts

The top part of the Dashboard shows your current alerts.

The graph shows your current alerts. The number in the center is the total number of alerts, including both critical and low alerts. The red portion of the circle represents the critical alerts, and the orange portion represents low alerts.

Click the View Alerts button to go to the Alerts screen and view a detailed listing of all your inventory alerts.

Below the graph, you'll see the date and time of your next automatic inventory check. To the right, you'll see the date of your last inventory check.


Below the current alert information, you'll see a set of three buttons.

  • Check Now will immediately run an inventory check. Use this if you've made a change and want to see those changes reflected in your inventory alert status.
  • Manage Inventory will open Shopify's inventory management screen. This is built into Shopify. You can learn more about managing inventory in Shopify from Shopify's help documentation
  • Configure Alerts will take you to the app's Configure screen to customize your alert settings.

Alert Settings Overview

Last, the Alert Settings Overview gives you a quick glance at the settings used to determine your inventory alerts.

The main settings are displayed here, providing an overview of how your alerts are determined and sent. You can change these settings by clicking Configure at the top of the page, by clicking the Configure Alerts button, or by clicking the Edit button next to a setting.

In order, top to bottom:

  • Alert schedule, indicating when inventory will be checked.
  • Checked products, PLUS ONLY showing if any products are excluded.
  • Email recipients, listing who will receive email alerts.
  • When to send, which indicates if emails will always be sent, or sent only if something changes.
  • Paused alerts, PLUS ONLY showing if some product alerts are paused until a particular date.
  • Subscription level, if applicable, shows your current app subscription level.